In Alpera, the fondness by the sport practices is every time greater, being habitual to see groups of people walking to good step, pedaling or running by the surroundings of the population.
Likewise, sports clubs have been formed to unite the fans to these sports and, particularly in the case of the hiking, the Club Deportivo Veredas y Caminos de Alpera has collaborated to its implantation and diffusion among its inhabitants in the last years.
At the moment, the Club de Veredas y Caminos de Alpera, has signaled the 6 itineraries of the routes so that they help us to know places of great beauty, panoramic and singular corners that are in the surroundings of the locality and that allow us to be able to enjoy our natural wealth by a few well signaled and sure ways.
They are circular trails, some starting from the town and others from the hostel of the Aula de la Naturaleza de la Casilla de Peones Camineros del Monte Pinar (Nature Classroom of the Casilla de Peones Camineros del Monte Pinar).
A Periurban route to know the most interesting and near points to the population (Park La Mejorada, Pozo de la Nieve, Vega de Alpera, Malecón and Puente de la Hiedra), a linear route (Route of the Water Mills from Alpera to Las Fuentes) and two circular routes from the population (North route by the Rambla Arocas, Cueva de la Vieja, the Sej, the Reviejo, Mills and South route by La Pedriza, Cerro de la Cruz, Casillas de Mota, Casa Gil, Mills).
From the hostel of the Casilla de los Peones Camineros del Monte Pinar two circular routes will be designed: one to the south through the Casa Don Pedro, Casa de la Zorra, Sabina Albar, Malafatón, Camino de la Lana; and a second to the north through the Vallejos y Cerros de la Muela de la Dehesa, La Dehesa Clementina, Fuente Olaya and the millenary Juniper).
The signage consists of fixed information beacons at different points along the route, as well as information panels at the starting point of the routes.
1. From the urban area
Specifically, the Trillo Fountain on the Paseo de la Constitución, the following routes would have their origin:
A) Periurban Route

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Camino de Bonete, crossing Parque Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, crossing Parque Mejorada, Pozo de la Nieve, Camino del Batanejo, Camino del Paso Ayora, Camino del Malecón, Puente de la Hiedra, return to the village along the Cuevas Road, Eras de Arriba and finish at Paseo de la Constitución next to the CCA.
10 km (given the proximity to the village there are several options to shorten it).
Low. Little unevenness. Roads in good condition.
Points of interest
Botanical and Natural parks. Pozo de la Nieve. Panoramic views of Sierra del Mugrón and Meca. Vega de Alpera. Puente de la Hiedra.
B) Route of the Mills (*)

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Camino de la Hiedra, Puente de la Hiedra, houses of the first mill, Molino de la Villa, Molino de San Gregorio, La Máquina, La Laguna, Molino de Tobillos, Casa Gil, Molino de Casa Gil, ruins of the Molino de Matorro, Fuente del Piojo. The return would be by the same route.
21 km round trip.
Low. Little unevenness. Roads in good condition.
Points of interest
Puente de la Hiedra, Acequia de Alpera with the location of the various water mills along it. Ruins of the castle of San Gregorio. Fountain of the louse. Riverside vegetation (elms, poplars, lindens, willows and sahucos) and Mediterranean (oaks, kermes oaks, pine trees, junipers, acromáticas, etc.). (*) This route has a section shared with Route C; 4.5 km from the crossroads (Camino del Reviejo/ Camino de San Gregorio) to Alpera. Route D shares entirely the itinerary of the route of the Mills from the Fuente del Piojo to Alpera (10 km.).
C) Route Road to Carcelén, El Bosque (Cueva de la Vieja), Reviejo, La Hiedra.

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- Download: ruta-carcelen.gpx
- Download: ruta-carcelen.TRK
- Download: ruta-carcelen.WPT
Departure from Alpera. Way of Carcelén, crossing of the Malecón, crossing of road of the Hunde. Way of the Tollo parallel to Rambla del Sej until crossing of Casa del Aire and Corral de Vicente. At the fork on the right you go towards the Vicente farmyard and cross the Bosque Road, ending at the Cueva de la Vieja. On the left, continue towards Casa del Aire, El Chorrillo, El Reviejo and Fuente de la Manzana to San Gregorio, linking up with routes B and D back to Alpera.
22 km. Optionally you can go to the source of the Saltaor from the junction of the Casa del Aire/Corral de Vicente (3 km. round trip by path and hill).
Medium. Roads and highway in good condition. Sections of moderate slopes.
Points of interest
Panoramic views, to the east town of Alpera with Sierra del Mugrón; to the north Sierra del Bosque and Sej corner; to the west Pedriza and Cerro de la Punta. Source of the Forest. Cave of the Old woman. El Reviejo (houses, spring, elms and centennial holm oaks). Stone pines, holm oaks and poplars.
D) Route La Vereda de la Pedriza, Cerro de la Cruz, Vallejo del Señor, Camino Real, Casillas de Mota, Las Fuentes, la Hiedra

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Departure from Alpera by the old path of La Pedriza, Pedriza road, Cerro de la Cruz, Vallejo del Señor by the Camino Real, El Moralejo, Casa Don Pedro road crossing, Casillas de Mota, Las Fuentes. Return by the Route of the Mills.
26 km. (15 km. to Las Fuentes, 11 km. from Las Fuentes to Alpera).
Medium. Roads in good condition. Sections with slight slopes.
Points of interest
La Pedriza, quarry, panoramic view from Cerro de la Cruz (sunrises and sunsets, night sky observatory). Cañada del Moralejo (vineyards, cereals, steppe birds) Carrascales de las Casillas. The Sources. Ditch and mills of Alpera.
2. Routes starting at the Monte Pinar lodge:
E) Route La Dehesa

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Road from Vallejo del perro to Collado de la Ceja de la Muela. Old path from Carcelén to Vallejo de Gil, Cerro de la Muela, Vallejo de la Jima, Casas Ibáñez road crossing, Casa de la Dehesa, Fuente Olalla, ancient juniper, road to Vallejo de la Fuente Olalla, Monte Pinar hostel.
12 km.
Medium. Roads and trails in good condition. Several moderate uphill and downhill slopes.
Points of interest
Panoramic views of La Muela to the north, Cerro de la Punta and Cañada de Pajares to the south, wind farm, pine and oak forests, Dehesa house, Dehesa Juniper, Fuente Olalla. Presence of goats, deer, wild boars, foxes and numerous birds of prey.
F) Route de Cañada de Pajares

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Road crossing on the way to Casa de la Peña. Road to Don Pedro's house. Way House of the fox. Path of the Sabina albar. Way of the Malafatón. Cañada Real. Way of the Route of the wool (“de la Lana”). Way of Las Fuentes. Hostel.
20 km.
Medium. Roads and trails in good condition. Scarce unevenness.
Points of interest
Passage of the Jacobean Route "de la Lana". Carrascales de Casa de la Peña. Casas de Don Pedro. Cañada de Pajares (vineyards, cereals, woody). House of the fox. Sabina albar. Cañada Real.
Generally not accessible for disable people.
Bicycle Accessible.